Hi everyone,
I've been told that I may be too 'wordy' in my blog posts, so I will try to keep it simple written-word wise, and then just share with you all some pics (after all, pictures are worth a thousand words :). We had a great time (the students and I) on Wednesday starting to put our mini-greenhouse together, and on Saturday getting started on the MYRIAD tasks that we have to get our operation up to speed (see pics). Wish I had more adult hands on deck than just Doro's, but hey, I have three hypotheses for that:
1) People are just not that interested in getting dirty, working at the garden, etc.
2) the time (Saturdays AM) is just not convenient for people
3) the location is too far away from familiarity for most to drive/come out
Well, the most I can do is eliminate possibility #2 as a factor, so... I wanted to let you all know the INFORMAL days and times that YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND US -- AND THUS SOMETHING TO DO ALONG WITH US -- OUT AT THE GARDEN. Here is the schedule by which I will ALWAYS be out at the garden with some of our students: Mondays from 3:30 to 5:30, Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30, Fridays from 2:30 to 4:30, and Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM.
If you can't join us for a formal volunteer event, please come out whenever else you have time -- and get a taste of what working the earth so that it will give back to you is all about :)
- Mr. M
PS -- Todd's donated lawn mower kicks chicken -- no way we would have beat back all that early-to-rise grass in between our rows without it!!!