Monday, April 21, 2014

Fun group photo from last year!

Having found it for the first time two days ago, I could not resist posting this.. My old phone is effectively dead and when I got a new one to replace it, I was looking through the photos on my old SD card for a good wallpaper. Here is what I found:

Not pictured is Dorothea of course, who I believe took the photo (FYI she's my lovely wife and was always a helping had during harvests -- especially when the kids joined us!). Thank you to our paid summer interns Ousmane (not pictured), Gaylon (not pictured), Jasmine (not pictured), Sheera, and Rebekah (not pictured) for the help last year; and an even bigger thank you to the unpaid students who volunteered countless hours to learn new things and help make the garden a success -- Miani, Macqui and Tarique (all pictured) as well as Destiny, Devin, Desmond, Zayvon, and Quantavia (not pictured). Finally, thanks to ALL the adults who volunteered their time, either as share members or simply as a transitory helping hand!!!

The state of 37G Youth Veggie Farm for this year (the 2014 growing season) is still being figured out. I took a position (a grand opportunity, really) early this school year to work closer to where I live and also to try my hand at teaching at a small, alternative high school with some innovative youth support structures. I rarely make it to the Bronzeville neighborhood now, so I am definitely not in any position to single-handedly push the project to fruition again this year. Another key helper on last year's garden through all stages (planning, seeding, planting, caring, harvesting), Ms. Ebright (pictured second-to-last on the right) has also changed schools...

I am trying to remain in contact with Mr. Ng, who still works as a science teacher at Phillips (pictured on the far left). I am also planning to reach back out to Principal Horton and Athletic Director John Byrne, who are still at Phillips working hard to make it a better and better school for the young people in that neighborhood. They were both always there to help with the odds and ends of things; basically, the garden could not have been the unique learning experience for students that it was without their support. Maybe they have some ideas as to how the space can be productively used once again. Finally, I remain in close communication with community resident, fellow 'urban farmer' and soul/R&B legend Syl Johnson, who might also be able to lend a critical hand in keeping 37G Youth Veggie Farm going this year. Stay tuned!