In my last post, I suggested that April 20th was the first volunteer day at the garden. However, the calendar widget states that the first formal volunteer plantings at the 37GYVF begin on the 27th. The info I put in the widget is correct; sorry for the confusion. The reason I got mixed up is that I WILL IN FACT be out there on the 20th doing some fertilizing, getting the watering tanks set up, and planting seed potatoes. I was planning to work from about 8 AM to noon on that day, maybe a little longer. Of course, you are all still welcome to come join me!!! (informally, that is :)
Also, a couple of people asked if they could come in the afternoon, as opposed to the morning, on the 27th. While they may have originally been asking so as to better fit it into their personal schedule, I thought hard about my reasons for only blocking off the AM for garden help. For example, it is said to be best to transplant seedlings in the late afternoon or early evening, to avoid heat and sun shock. The best thing of all would be to take advantage of the entirety of a cloudy day to do it -- but we certainly can't ensure this in advance. The worst thing to do is plant them mid-day on a hot day. I know we won't yet have much heat but we may well have full sun by noontime...
My thinking was that 8-noon would be most convenient for people, and that it should work OK for the seedlings given at least a partly cloudy day. "Get it done early, get em' home in time to enjoy the rest of their Saturday" was my thinking.
I will contemplate these things and then make a decision to modify the time slots or not. I may leave the early spring plantings as AM projects, and then shift the later volunteer days to late evening. In any case, you should see any changes I make no later than noon tomorrow (the 11th)...
Mr. M
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