Thursday, July 11, 2013

Workin' hard (for you, for us... for good food!)

I think if you were to read our vegetable garden's slogan, and then watch us (the students + the adult supervisors -- Ms. Schulz, Ms. Goodman and I) you'd agree that we're bustin' our butts to make sure we can keep filling your boxes with organic goodness. Here's Ousmane, one of our interns, a rising senior at Phillips, taking a rare pause for a snapshot and wearing his work shirt:

In case its hard to read, it says... FRONT: "What's that creepin' in the garden?" (incl. picture of a Wildcat, our school mascot) -- BACK: "Just good food!"

In case you didn't know, we secured paid internships for four students over the course of the summer, to supplement the funds you all (our share members) helped us raise for spring and fall internships. And they were earning every penny on Wednesday, when it reached the mid-90s and the humidity was nothing to laugh at.

Ms. Goodman told me they got almost everything on our six-item to-do list done, including finishing composting our potatoes, watering, mowing in between and around our rows, and dressing our baby fruit trees with wood chip mulch at their bases.

The fruit trees, much like the young people active in the garden now, need time to grow stronger. Unlike the fruit trees, they bear the human responsibility of learning the techniques, science and attitude needed to care for a great host of nourishing plants. All -- fledgling trees, luscious plants and the young adults that tend them -- are working together to accomplishing a delicious feat this summer. =)

Until next time! - Mr. M

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