Monday, August 12, 2013

Yesterday's box... and, bring back bags and boxes!!!

Someone got a surprise via a little bundle of wild grapes (if curious, google 'river grapes') that I left in a box by mistake... I like these sour things, and the students and I picked enough during our field trip on Friday to make a couple quarts of juice. Hopefully whoever found them in their box dared to try them, and not just throw them away!

Just a quick recap of what exactly you got yesterday: packaged mixed tomato bundle (golden and red cherries + a smaller red slicing variety), kohlrabi, cabbage, semi-spicy peppers, radishes, kale or broccoli florettes/flowers, possibly a rutabaga, onions, a couple of embarrassingly crooked and undersized cucumbers (sorry, I'm not sure exactly why all our plants are dying so early) and some goose's foot. Yes, a bird's walking appendage :) This was the green plant on top, with the long tough stalk and the spade-shaped, small green leaves. Pick the leaves off the stalk of the goose's foot and eat them either raw (added to salads, thrown on a sandwich) or cooked like spinach.

One last note: please bring back the zip-lock bags, so we can keep bagging the fresh lettuce separately from everything else. I didn't have enough bags yesterday, because we've had about a 50% return rate -- so this time around I had to put the lettuces loose in the box. Finally, if you have a wood box hiding at home, please get it to me! We are four short in advance of next Sunday's share packaging, and I'm running out of creative options as to how to pack up all thirteen share members' produce...

Mr. M

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