Wednesday, October 23, 2013

End-of-season share member picnic next Sunday, Nov. 3rd... you are invited!

Hi veggie team (students who worked at the garden, Ms. Goodman, Ms. Schulz, Mr. Ng)... hello veggie share members!

I am pleased to announce two things:

1) The garden is now officially open for gleaning. Gleaning means, gathering up useful produce that is still around but that the landowner has no intention of harvesting him/herself. What this means is, if you are ever in the neighborhood (or, want to plan to come by) -- you can walk onto the garden grounds (3733 S Giles) and pick whatever is around that you'd like to have. For example, there are some people who LOVE fried green tomatoes; this is your time to rake in those gems, you can cook them for months after you've collected them... there are also lots of cabbages, kohlrabi, some root veggies (rutabagas, turnips) and even lots of peppers (there until first frost, after which I'll probably grab them all up to make into pepper powder!)

2) Dorothea, Andrew and I will be hosting an end-of-season share worker + share member picnic on Nov. 3. All students who worked at the garden, their families, and all adults who were share members are invited to attend. I will also be inviting our school principal, Mr. Horton, one of our big supporters at the school, Mr. Byrne, and finally a neighbor who has been very supportive -- Mr. Johnson -- to attend. We have some yummy culinary plans, including: Digging our own potatoes and then making fresh french fries on-site; picking cabbages and kohlrabi on-site and making coleslaw from it; picking cherry tomatoes on-site and making toppings from it; and finally, I will be bringing some grass-fed cow from the quarter cow share that Doro and I subscribed to this year, and I'll be grilling some hamburgers for all! I might also bring some wild-harvested sumac juice to add a refreshing local beverage to the mix.

Again, the date for this season-finale picnic event will be two Sundays from now, on November 3rd. The time will be from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. I imagine we'll start harvesting and preparing no later than 11:15, start cooking (burgers, fries) no later than noon, and will be enjoying food and good company starting no later than 1 PM. I'll ask that if you have folding chairs, that you bring them; we'll provide everything else! Please RSVP by emailing me back at

I hope that you'll plan to come out for this great end-of-year picnic at the 37G Youth Veggie Farm! It will be great to gather everyone together, with good food at hand (and the ground it came from merely yards away)!

Mr. M

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